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Breastfeeding Support

Believe it or not, breastfeeding can be difficult and doesn’t always come naturally to every mother and baby. If you find yourself struggling to breastfeed or fear that your baby isn’t being properly nourished, you should speak with your care provider and seek breastfeeding support right away. With help from a compassionate and knowledgeable lactation consultant you can learn to successfully breastfeed your baby. See the Spokane La Leche League‘s web site for more information.

IBCLC: The International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) credential identifies a knowledgeable and experienced member of the maternal-child health team who has specialized skills in breastfeeding management and care.

CLE: Offer information, education, support, and encouragement to prenatal and breastfeeding mothers. CLE’s do not offer medical assessment or advice, but refer to resources if a problem arises.

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